S.ICZ a.s.

S.ICZ a.s. was founded in August 2001 by DECROS spol. s r.o. and ICZ finance a.s. After a successful merger in December of that year, ICZ a.s. became its 100% owner.
S.ICZ a.s. offers comprehensive services in classified information protection. It designs the architecture of classified information systems for processing classified information (CI), and provides their technical solutions, deployment, configuration, security documentation, system support, and servicing. An integral part of the above is also the development of security products and security applications for CI protection. Under its Science and Research Programme, in cooperation with the National Security Authority of the Czech Republic (NSA), S.ICZ develops and manufactures national cryptographic HW and SW products that it subsequently implements. S.ICZ a.s. has been vetted by the NSA for contact with “TOP SECRET” classified information.
S.ICZ also provides professional services over a wide range of activities that include security management. It performs risk analyses, designs security policies, performs assessment, and designs and implements security measures. It creates individual internal regulations, but also complete security management systems according to ČSN ISO/IEC 27001. It also provides security audits and emergency planning.
S.ICZ bases its administration of information systems on binding requirements for information security management. Its professional services include solutions to secure virtualization, servers, workstations, mobile devices and software in connection with directory services, with a safe communication infrastructure, and with identity management and access management solutions. The above results in a safe and reliable platform for both current and new information systems and their further development.
Company address: | Na hřebenech II 1718/10, Nusle, 140 00 Prague, Czech Republic |
Company ID No.: | 26482444 |
Tax ID: | CZ699000372 |
Incorporated in: | Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 7363 |