On the way to becoming a paperless insurance company

  • Client: Dôvera zdravotná poisťovňa a.s.
  • Date: 2005 - ongoing
  • Place: Slovak Republic
  • Implementing entity: ICZ Slovakia a. s.

Within the scope of one of its most important projects, ICZ Slovakia implemented several solutions in the Dôvera health insurance company, which led to its computerisation and to the creation of a so-called paperless insurance company.

The main goal of the project of document circulation management was to digitalize all the documents delivered to the insurance company and to ensure the electronic circulation of the digitalized documents in the Dôvera health insurance company. As a result, the circulation of documents in paper form was eliminated, and it is possible to trace back the circulation of the documents. It also made the processing of received documents more efficient and faster and ensured that all documents delivered to the insurance company will be processed within the set terms.

Currently, the solution implemented in the Dôvera health insurance company is used by approx. 450 users, both directly or indirectly. The solution comprises more components: a system for document administration and the administration of documentation, scanning lines, and working procedures. Furthermore, the solution is closely interconnected with other applications which ensure the entire operation of the insurance company.

There are 33 types of documents defined in the system by means of which it is possible to index the data obtained from the documents scanned at the digitalization line. To make the indexation easier and faster, a number of attributes are downloaded from external systems via web services. The digitalized documents are saved in the electronic document storage; all entitled users thus have access to the documents. Ten main processes (for example, the processing of monthly reports, annual accounts, and applications) and several subprocesses which greatly facilitate the work of Dôvera’ staff were also launched as a part of the implementation.