Documentation administration

  • Client: Union zdravotná poisťovňa a.s.
  • Date: 2006
  • Place: Slovak Republic
  • Implementing entity: ICZ Slovakia a. s.

The project for Union zdravotná poisťovňa, a. s. (a health insurance company) was aimed at automating and clarifying the activities related to the administration of documentation and at creating a system design and documentation management plan. The project also encompassed the employment of a technology for increment scanning and for importing received mail documents into the e-file system of documentation administration.

The standard functions of the e-file system are used to keep and process the records. The records delivered to the insurance company are filed at the filing office, where they are also scanned using the eSCAN system. The scanned documents are attached to the records in the system automatically based on the record number, which is entered by the user when scanning the document. The scanned images are saved using the Oracle storage. The consignments are transferred from the filing office to the individual organisational units, which take them over and ensure their registration within the organisational unit.

The implemented solution increases the efficiency of the working procedures, facilitates work with the documents, and last but not least, saves both the time and costs of Union.